A Wing and a Prayer

格倫 · 沃森 / Glen Wasson

Ace in the Hole

Understand these new words before you read this article.

1. unwrap ['?n'r?p] v. 打開, 展開, 解開

2. turbulent['t?:bjul?nt] adj. 洶湧的;狂暴的

3. persistent[p?'sist?nt] adj. 堅持不懈的;固執的

4. intimidated[in'timideitid] adj. 害怕的;受到恐嚇的

5. beguile [bi'gail] v. 欺騙,誆騙

6. peculiarity[pi,kju:li'?riti] n. 特質, 怪癖, 特性

One afternoon a few summers ago, I had been clearing brush in the mountains for several hours and decided to reward myself with lunch. Sitting on a log, I unwrapped a sandwich and surveyed the rugged scenery. Two turbulent streams joined to form a clear, deep pool before roaring down a heavily wooded canyon.

My idyll would have been perfect had it not been for a persistent bee that began buzzing around me. The bee was of the common variety that plagues picnickers. Without thinking, I brushed it away.

Not the leastintimidated, the bee came back and buzzed me again. Now, losing patience, I swatted the pest to the ground and crunched it into the sand with my boot.

Moments later I was startled by a minor explosion of sand at my feet. My tormentor emerged with its wings buzzing furiously. This time I took no chances. I stood up and ground the insect into the sand with all my 210 pounds.

Once more I sat down to my lunch. After several minutes I became aware of a slight movement near my feet. A broken but still living bee was feebly emergingfrom the sand.

Beguiled by its survival, I leaned down to survey the damage. The right wing was relatively intact, but the left was crumpled like a piece of paper. Nevertheless, the bee kept exercising the wings slowly up and down, as though assessing the damage. It also began to groom its sand-encrusted thorax and abdomen.

Next the bee turned its attention to the bent left wing, rapidly smoothing the wing by running its legs down the length. After each straightening session, the bee buzzed its wings as if to test the lift. This hopeless cripple thought it could still fly! I got down on my hands and knees to better see these futile attempts. Closer scrutiny confirmed the bee was finished—it must be finished. As a veteran pilot, I knew a good deal about wings.

But the bee paid no attention to my superior wisdom. It seemed to be gaining strength and increasing the tempo of its repairs. The bent veins that stiffened the gossamer wing were nearly straight now.

At last the bee felt sufficiently confident to attempt a trial flight. With an audible buzz it released its grip on the earth—and flew into a rise in the sand not more than three inches away. The little creature hit so hard that it tumbled. More frantic smoothing and flexing followed.

Again the bee lifted off, this time flying six inches before hitting another mound. Apparently the bee had regained the lift in its wings but had not mastered the directional controls. Like a pilot learning the peculiarities of a strange airplane, it experimented with short hops that ended ignominiously. After each crash the bee worked furiously to correct the newly discovered structural deficiencies.

Once more it took off, this time clearing the sand but heading straight toward a stump. Narrowly avoiding it, the bee rechecked its forward speed, circled and then drifted slowly over the mirrorlike surface of the pool as if to admire its own reflection. As the bee disappeared, I realized that I was still on my knees, and I remained on my knees for some time.













Learning for Better Understanding

Read the passage carefully, and then answer the follwing questions.

1. What does the author probably do?


2. Why does the author remain on his knee for a long time?

Seize Your Time

According to the speech, match each of the following verbs with its


(1)unwrap a. to cause pain or trouble to sb/sth over a period of time

(2)plague b. to make a judgement about the nature or quality of sb/sth

(3)crunch c. to remove the paper, plastic etc that is around something

(4)assess d. to make a sound like something being crushed

Practicing for Better Learning

Do the following statements agree with the information in the reading



TRUE if the statement agrees with the information

FALSE if the statement contradicts the information

____ (1) I was having lunch when the bee buzzed around me.

____ (2) The bee came back for twice.

____ (3) The bee cannot fly again when I ground it into the sand.