One winter day a storm was forecast for Portland. Of course to Bill the weather report was good news. “Perfect for a door-to-door salesman,” he said. “Everyone’s home!” So he bundled up and made his rounds until he had made his quota. But then, the buses had stopped running because the roads were so bad. He had to hitchhike home, only to discover the steep driveway leading to his front door was a sheet of ice. He tried to get up it again and again, but kept falling down. Finally he got down on his hands and knees and crawled to the front door thoroughly satisfied with his day’s work. He told me about it the next morning. It was as if the cumulative affect of working with Bill and his optimism sank in. I wanted to stop worrying about life and start enjoying it.

It’s been 20 years now that I’ve worked for Bill. Once in a while those old worries start in on me. It is then I think about my friend Bill crawling up his icy driveway. I hear him saying, “There are no obstacles, Shelly. Only challenges.” When I follow his example, I’m able to let go and feel free. Yes, Bill Porter finally got me looking forward to the opportunities God opens for us one door at a time. And these days when my family goes to the movies we see the full-priced show—and splurge on popcorn.







這位麵試官給了他一份工作——不過,是試用。他敲響了一家又一家的門,一次又一次地被拒絕,後來,開始有人買比爾的東西。比爾每天沿著他的銷售路線工作八個小時,有時時間會更長,這樣,他成為公司整個西北地區的頂級銷售人員。當然,這很不容易,每天早晨4點45分,鬧鍾就會把他叫醒,而他要坐7點20分開往市區的公交車。比爾需要充足的準備時間,他不想匆忙地穿衣。“外表很重要。”他說。每天早晨,他都穿幹淨的襪子,熨得平平整整的褲子,還有白色的襯衫。他不會扣袖口上的扣子,鞋帶也鬆鬆地係上,把領帶放在手提包裏。在換乘車站附近有一家旅館,那裏的幾個朋友會幫他扣上袖口上的扣子,係好鞋帶,打好領帶。然後,他就走上大街挨家挨戶地推銷。他對自己說:“下一個客戶肯定會說‘是' 的。”更重要的是,比爾相信,他們最終都會同意購買他的商品的。







1. I grew up__. So I had set my sights on realistic goals that would get me out of__: a college education, a solid marriage and a career. I’d had done it all, yet I still couldn’t imagine things would never go__ for me. My faith felt more like a safety net than a reason to have hope for a__ life.

2. He gave credits to his__, who taught him a strong__. They fought to get him into public school; after he__, his father told him,“Get a job.”He wasn’t being harsh. It’s just that they’d never coddled Bill;__, they had always insisted he could do__ he set his mind to and they never let him give up.


1. 我的信仰更像是安全網,而不能成為我企盼美好生活的理由。


2. 比爾的樂觀使我很吃驚,特別是這和我的悲觀情緒形成了鮮明對比。


3. 我不再為將來的生活發愁了,而是開始享受生活。



1. So I had set my sights on realistic goals that would get me out of poverty...

set one’s sight on:誌在……


2. Things took a turn one day when I got a phone call.

take a turn:轉變



Problems and Opportunities

佚名 / Anonymous

We live in an unusual time with corporate downsizing, restructuring, and the increase in global competition. Some view these times as problematic; others see the incredible opportunities created by such change.

In the last decade there has been a huge growth in home-based and service-industry businesses. These businesses have been started by individuals with the courage to pursue their dreams, Yet, for every idea that is implemented, thousands of ideas never get beyond the conceptual stage—from the imagination to a plan of action.

What holds people back from pursuing their dreams and acting on their great ideas? I believe it’s fear of failure. Someone once said, “There are a lot of ways to become a failure, but never taking a chance is the most successful way.” I’ve also heard it said that “people don’t plan to fail...they fail to plan.”