Isabel Allende

Translated by E.D.Carter Jr.

[1] On that glorious noonday when Dulce Rosa Orellano was crowned with the jasmines of Carnival Queen, the mothers of the other candidates murmured that it was unfair for her to win just because she was the only daughter of the most powerful man in the entire province, Senator Anselmo Orellano.They admitted that the girl was charming and that she played the piano and danced like no other, but there were other competitors for the prize who were far more beautiful.They saw her standing on the platform in her organdy dress and with her crown of flowers, and as she waved at the crowd they cursed her through their clenched teeth.For that reason, some of them were overjoyed some months later when misfortune entered the Orellano’s house sowing such a crop of death that thirty years were required to reap it.

[2] On the night of the queen’s election, a dance was held in the Santa Teresa Town Hall, and young men from the remotest villages came to meet Dulce Rosa.She was so happy and danced with such grace that many failed to perceive that she was not the most beautiful, and when they returned to where they had come from they all declared that they had never before seen a face like hers.Thus she acquired an unmerited reputation for beauty and later testimony was never able to prove to the contrary.The exaggerated descriptions of her translucent skin and her diaphanous eyes were passed from mouth to mouth, and each individual added something to them from his own imagination.Poets from distant cities composed sonnets to a hypothetical maiden whose name was Dulce Rosa.

[3] Rumors of the beauty who was flourishing in Senator Orellano’s house also reached the ears of Tadeo Cespedes, who never dreamed he would be able to meet her, since during all his twenty-five years he had neither had time to learn poetry nor to look at women.He was concerned only with the Civil War.Ever since he had begun to shave he had had a weapon in his hands, and he had lived for a long time amidst the sound of exploding gunpowder.He had forgotten his mother’s kisses and even the songs of mass.He did not always have reason to go into battle, because during several periods of truce there were no adversaries within reach of his guerrilla band.But even in times of forced peace he lived like a corsair.He was a man habituated to violence.He crossed the country in every direction, fighting visible enemies when he found them, and battling shadows when he was forced to invent them.He would have continued in the same way if his party had not won the presidential election.Overnight he went from a clandestine existence to wielding power, and all pretext for continuing the rebellion had ended for him.

[4] Tadeo Cespedes’s final mission was the punitive expedition against Santa Teresa.With a hundred and twenty men he entered the town under cover of darkness to teach everyone a lesson and eliminate the leaders of the opposition.They shot out the windows in the public buildings, destroyed the church door, and rode their horses right up to the main altar, crushing Father Clemente when he tried to block their way.They burned the trees that the Ladies’ Club had planted in the square; amidst all the clamor of battle, they continued at a gallop toward Senator Orellano’s house which rose up proudly on top of the hill.

[5] After having locked his daughter in the room at the farthest corner of the patio and turned the dogs loose, the Senator waited for Tadeo Cespedes at the head of a dozen loyal servants.At that moment he regretted, as he had so many other times in his life, not having had male descendants who could help him to take up arms and defend the honor of his house.He felt very old, but he did not have time to think about it, because he had spied on the hillside the terrible flash of a hundred and twenty torches that terrorized the night as they advanced.He distributed the last of the ammunition in silence.Everything had been said, and each of them knew that before morning he would be required to die like a man at his battle station.

[6] “The last man alive will take the key to the room where my daughter is hidden and carry out his duty,” said the Senator as he heard the first shots.

[7] All the men had been present when Dulce Rosa was born and had held her on their knees when she was barely able to walk; they had told her ghost stories on winter afternoons; they had listened to her play the piano and they had applauded in tears on the day of her coronation as Carnival Queen.Her father could die in peace, because the girl would never fall alive into the hands of Tadeo Cespedes.The one thing that never crossed Senetor Orellano’s mind was that, in spite of his recklessness in battle, he would be the last to die.He saw his friends fall one by one and finally realized that it was useless to continue resisting.He had a bullet in his stomach and his vision was blurred.He was barely able to distinguish the shadows that were climbing the high walls surrounding his property, but he still had the presence of mind to drag himself to the third patio.The dogs recognized his scent despite the sweat, blood, and sadness that covered him and moved aside to let him pass.He inserted the key in the lock and through the mist that covered his eyes saw Dulce Rosa waiting for him.The girl was wearing the same organdy dress that she had worn for the Carnival and had adorned her hair with the flowers from the crown.

[8] “It’s time, my child,” he said, cocking his revolver as a puddle of blood spread about his feet.

[9] “Don’t’ kill me, father,” she replied in a firm voice.“Let me live so that I can avenge us both.”

[10] Senator Anselmo Orellano looked into his daughter’s fifteen-year-old face and imagined what Tadeo Cespedes would do to her, but saw great strength in Dulce Rosa’s transparent eyes, and he knew that she would survive to punish his executioner.The girl sat down on the bed and he took his place at her side, pointing his revolver at the door.

[11] When the uproar from the dying dogs had faded, the bar across the door was shattered, the bolt flew off, and the first group of men burst into the room.The Senator managed to fire six shots before losing consciousness.Tadeo Cespedes thought he was dreaming when he saw an angel crowned in jasmines holding a dying old man in her arms.But he did not possess sufficient pity to look for a second time, since he was drunk with violence and enervated by hours of combat.

[12] “The woman is mine,” he said, before any of his men could put his hand on her.

[13] A leaden Friday dawned, tinged with the glare from the fire.The silence was thick upon the hill.The final moans had faded when Dulce Rosa was able to stand and walk to the fountain in the garden.The previous day it had been surrounded by magnolias, and now it was nothing but a tumultuous pool amidst the debris.After having removed the few strips of organdy that were all that remained of her dress, she stood nude before what had been the fountain.She submerged herself in the cold water.The sun rose behind the birches, and the girl watched the water turn red as she washed away the blood that flowed from between her legs along with that of her father which had dried in her hair.Once she was clean, calm, and without tears, she returned to the ruined house to look for something to cover herself.Picking up a linen sheet, she went outside to bring back the Senator’s remains.They had tied him behind a horse and dragged him up and down the hillside until little remained but a pitiable mound of rags.But guided by love, the daughter was able to recognize him without hesitation.She wrapped him in the sheet and sat down by his side to watch the dawn grow into day.That is how her neighbors from Santa Teresa found her when they finally dared to climb up to the Orellano villa.They helped Dulce Rosa to bury her dead and to extinguish the vestiges of the fire.They begged her to go and live with her godmother in another town where no one knew her story, but she refused.Then they formed crews to rebuild the house and gave her six ferocious dogs to protect her.

[14] From the moment they had carried her father away, still alive, and Tadeo Cespedes had closed the door behind them and unbuckled his leather belt, Dulce Rosa lived for revenge.In the thirty years that followed, that thought kept her awake at night and filled her days, but it did not completely obliterate her laughter nor dry up her good disposition.Her reputation for beauty increased as troubadours went everywhere proclaiming her imaginary enchantments until she became a living legend.She arose every morning at four o’clock to oversee the farm and household chores, roam her property on horseback, buy and sell, haggling like a Syrian, breed livestock, and cultivate the magnolias and jasmines in her garden.In the afternoon she would remove her trousers, her boots, and her weapons, and put on the lovely dresses which had come from the capital in aromatic trunks.At nightfall visitors would begin to arrive and would find her playing the piano while the servants prepared trays of sweets and glasses of orgeat.Many people asked themselves how it was possible that the girl had not ended up in a straitjacket in a sanitarium or as a novitiate with the Carmelite nuns.Nevertheless, since there were frequent parties at the Orellano villa, with the passage of time people stopped talking about the tragedy and erased the murdered Senator from their memories.Some gentlemen who possessed both fame and fortune managed to overcome the repugnance they felt because of the rape and, attracted by Dulce Rosa’s beauty and sensitivity, proposed marriage.She rejected them all, for her only mission on Earth was vengeance.

[15] Tadeo Cespedes was also unable to get that night out of his mind.The hangover from all the killing and the euphoria from the rape left him as he was on his way to the capital a few hours later to report the results of his punitive expedition.It was then that he remembered the child in a party dress and crowned with jasmines, who endured him in silence in that dark room where the air was impregnated with the odor of gunpowder.He saw her again in the final scene, lying on the floor, barely covered by her reddened rags, sunk in the compassionate embrace of unconsciousness, and he continued to see her that way every night of his life just as he fell asleep.Peace, the exercise of government, and the use of power turned him into a settled, hard-working man.With the passage of time, memories of the Civil War faded away and the people began to call him Don Tadeo.He bought a ranch on the other side of the mountains, devoted himself to administering justice, and ended up as mayor.If it had not been for Dulce Rosa Orellano’s tireless phantom, perhaps he might have attained a certain degree of happiness.But in all the women who crossed his path, he saw the face of the Carnival Queen.And even worse, the songs by popular poets, often containing verses that mentioned her name, would not permit him to expel her from his heart.The young woman’s image grew within him, occupying him completely, until one day he could stand it no longer.He was at the head of a long banquet table celebrating his fifty-fifth birthday, surrounded by friends and colleagues, when he thought he saw in the tablecloth a child lying naked among jasmine blossoms, and understood that the nightmare would not leave him in peace even after his death.He struck the table with his fist, causing the dishes to shake, and asked for his hat and cane.

[16] “Where are you going, Don Tadeo?” asked the Prefect.

[17] “To repair some ancient damage,” he said as he left without taking leave of anyone.

[18] It was not necessary for him to search for her, because he always knew that she would be found in the same house where her misfortune had occurred, and it was in that direction that he pointed his car.By then good highways had been built and distances seemed shorter.The scenery had changed during the decades that had passed, but as he rounded the last curve by the hill, the villa appeared just as he remembered it before his troops had taken it in the attack.There were the solid walls made of river rock that he had destroyed with dynamite charges, there the ancient wooden coffers he had set afire, there the trees where he had hung the bodies of the Senator’s men, there the patio where he had slaughtered the dogs.He stopped his vehicle a hundred meters from the door and dared not continue because he felt his heart exploding inside his chest.He was going to turn around and go back to where he came from, when a figure surrounded by the halo of her skirt appeared in the yard.He closed his eyes, hoping with all his might that she would not recognize him.In the soft twilight, he perceived that Dulce Rosa Orellano was advancing toward him, floating along the garden paths.He noted her hair, her candid face, the harmony of her gestures, the swirl of her dress, and he thought he was suspended in a dream that had lasted for thirty years.

[19] “You’ve finally come, Tadeo Cespedes,” she said as she looked at him, not allowing herself to be deceived by his mayor’s suit or his gentlemanly gray hair, because he still had the same pirate’s hands.

[20] “You’ve pursued me endlessly.In my whole life I’ve never been able to love anyone but you,” he murmured, his voice choked with shame.

[21] Dulce Rosa gave a satisfied sigh.At last her time had come.But she looked into his eyes and failed to discover a single trace of the executioner, only fresh tears.She searched her heart for the hatred she had cultivated throughout those thirty years, but she was incapable of finding it.She evoked the instant that she had asked her father to make his sacrifice and let her live so that she could carry out her duty; she relived the embrace of the man whom she had cursed so many times, and remembered the early morning when she had wrapped some tragic remains in a linen sheet.She went over her perfect plan of vengeance, but did not feel the expected happiness; instead she felt its opposite, a profound melancholy.Tadeo Cespedes delicately took her hand and kissed the palm, wetting it with his tears.Then she understood with horror that by thinking about him every moment, and savoring his punishment in advance, her feelings had become reversed and she had fallen in love with him.

[22] During the following days both of them opened the floodgates of repressed love and, for the first time since their cruel fate was decided, opened themselves to receive the other’s proximity.They strolled through the gardens talking about themselves and omitting nothing, even that fatal night which had twisted the direction of their lives.As evening fell, she played the piano and he smoked, listening to her until he felt his bones go soft and the happiness envelop him like a blanket and obliterate the nightmares of the past.After dinner he went to Santa Teresa where no one still remembered the ancient tale of horror.He took a room in the best hotel and from there organized his wedding.He wanted a party with fanfare, extravagance, and noise, one in which the entire town would participate.He discovered love at an age when other men have already lost their illusions, and that returned to him his youthful vigor.He wanted to surround Dulce Rosa with affection and beauty, to give her everything that money could buy, to see if he could compensate in his later years for the evil he had done as a young man.At times panic possessed him.He searched her face for the smallest sign of rancor, but he saw only the light of shared love and that gave him back his confidence.Thus a month of happiness passed.

[23] Two days before the wedding, when they were already setting up the tables for the party in the garden, slaughtering the birds and pigs for the feast, and cutting the flowers to decorate the house, Dulce Rosa Orellano tried on her wedding dress.She saw herself reflected in the mirror, just as she had on the day of her coronation as Carnival Queen, and realized that she could no longer continue to deceive her own heart.She knew that she could not carry out the vengeance she had planned because she loved the killer, but she was also unable to quiet the Senator’s ghost.She dismissed the seamstress, took the scissors, and went to the room on the third patio which had remained unoccupied during all that time.

[24] Tadeo Cespedes searched for her everywhere, calling out to her desperately.The barking of the dogs led him to the other side of the house.With the help of the gardeners he broke down the barred door and entered the room where thirty years before he had seen an angel crowned with jasmines.He found Dulce Rosa Orellano just as he had seen her in his dreams every night of his existence, lying motionless in the same bloody organdy dress.He realized that in order to pay for his guilt he would have to live until he was ninety with the memory of the only woman his soul could ever love.



1.Isabel Allende: She, born in Peru in 1942, is a Chilean novelist, journalist, and dramatist.She wrote several novels and a collection of short fiction, as well as plays and stories for children.She has received international praise for her writing.Many of her books are noted for their feminine point of view and dramatic qualities of romance and struggle.Her first novel, The House of the Spirits, was made into a film in 1994.

2.Dulce Rosa Orellano: 達爾西·羅莎·奧雷利亞諾(女子名)

3.Santa Teresa: 聖特雷莎

4.Tadeo Cespedes: 塔德奧·塞斯佩德斯(男子名)

5.Don Tadeo: “Don” is a title used before a man’s Christian name in Spanish-speaking countries.

After You Read

Knowledge Focus

1.Discuss the following questions with your partner.

1) Who was Dulce Rosa Orellano? What was she famous for?

2) How would you describe Dulce Rosa before the tragic incident?

3) What kind of family was Dulce Rosa brought up in?

4) Based on the story, would you give a portrait of Senator Orellano?

5) Who was Tadeo Cespedes? What kind of person was he when he was young?

6) What did Tadeo’s army do to Senator’s family?

7) How did Senator’s family defend against their enemies?

8) Is it amazing that Dulce Rosa survived the fatal night and lived on successfully?

9) How did people’s attitude towards Dulce Rosa change? What does it show?

10) What life did Tadeo live after the Civil War? What’s the influence of the incident on him?

11) Is it realistic for the victim to fall in love with the murderer? How do you think of Isabel Allende’s design of the plot?

12) What’s your impression on the ending of the story? Would you use one adjective to describe your reaction and explain why?

13) What is the theme of the story?

2.Learn literary devices together with your partner.

Point of view in literature refers to who is telling the story and how it is told.

a.Discuss with your group members.

1) How “An Act of Vengeance” was told?

2) Who told the story?

b.Try to retell the story either from Dulce Rosa’s point of view or from Tadeo Cespedes’s.Compare the different points of view and talk about their advantages and disadvantages.

3.Discuss the following topic with your partner.

Do you agree that the final act was most fitting for “An Act of Vengeance”? If it wasn’t, what would have been?

Give a 5-minute presentation to illustrate it.

Language Focus

1.Explain the following expressions to your classmates and try to translate them into proper Chinese.

2.Discuss the subtle difference of the words in each group and fill in the blanks with the right word.

avenge revenge vengeance

1) She determined to________ herself on the killer.

2) She took ________ on him for leaving her by smashing up his car.

3) He swore he would ________ his brother’s death.

4) He is believed to have been shot by a rival gang in ________ for the shootings last week.

5) The music started up again with a ________.

diaphanous transparent

1) Grow the bulbs in a ________ plastic box, so the children can see the roots growing.

2) At the party, she was in a dress of ________ silk.

3) I think we should try to make the instructions more ________.

obliterate eliminate

1) Hiroshima was nearly ________ by the atomic bomb.

2) We ________ the possibility that it could have been an accident.

3) Nothing could ________ the memory of those tragic events.

4) Fatty foods should be ________ from the diet.

3.Fill in the blanks with the right form of the given word.

1) The company’s four major ________ (compete) have nothing to rival the new product.

2) His ________ (reckless) brought down disaster on the whole family.

3) He was a ________ (rebellion) in his teens but he’s a respectable citizen these days.

4) Over the centuries, these animals have become ________ (habit) to living in a dry environment.

5) The wreck of the ship scattered over the ________ (lead) sea.

6) Detectives were shocked by the ________ (ferocious) of the attack.

7) As she listened, she played an ________ (imagine) piano on her knees.

4.Read the following sentences and identify the tense and the time indicator used.

1) On that glorious noonday when Dulce Rosa Orellano was crowned with the jasmines of Carnival Queen, the mothers of the other candidates murmured that it was unfair for her to win.

2) Rumors of the beauty who was flourishing in Senator Orellano’s house also reached the ears of Tadeo Cespedes.

3) Ever since he had begun to shave he had had a weapon in his hands, and he had lived for a long time amidst the sound of exploding gunpowder.

4) They burned the trees that the Ladies’ Club had planted in the square.

5) ...he knew that she would survive to punish his executioner.

6) “Where are you going, Don Tadeo?” asked the Prefect.

7) ...he always knew that she would be found in the same house where her misfortune had occurred, and it was in that direction that he pointed his car.

8) You’ve pursued me endlessly.In my whole life I’ve never been able to love anyone but you.

9) Two days before the wedding, when they were already setting up the tables for the party in the garden..., Dulce Rosa Orellano tried on her wedding dress.

10) Monica often goes to his office by underground.

5.Fill in each blank with the correct form of the given word, adding model auxiliary if necessary.

My mother was not only beautiful, she ________ (be) also vulnerable and________ (cry) all the time, which is very attractive because it ________ (make) even the wimpiest man feel strong.She had many suitors but ended up marrying the ugliest of them all.My stepfather ________ (look) like a frog but in time he turned into a prince, and now I ________ (swear) that he ________ (be) almost handsome.He has a noble heart but he is as patriarchal as my grandfather ________ (be).I had no choice but to fight him.Rebellion was the only way for a girl to survive in my family.

My stepfather was a diplomat, and soon after he entered our lives we started traveling.In 1958 we ________ (live) in Lebanon.That year marked the beginning of the political violence that eventually ________ (tear) the country apart.My brothers and I were sent back to Chile and I ended up living again in my grandfather’s home.I was fifteen and so tired of saying goodbye to places and people that I decided that I________ (plant) my roots in Chile and never travel again.

Isabel Allende

Comprehensive Work

1.Group work: Dramatization.

Try to recreate meeting scene of Dulce Rosa and Tadeo thirty years after the incident.Create appropriate lines for them to make it as vivid as possible.

Role play it in groups.

2.Group work.

Give a character sketch to Dulce Rosa and Tadeo Cespedes respectively by using the key words and phrases in Text A.

Discuss who is more powerful and how the author of the story has looked at the two main characters.

3.Pair work.

Discuss with your partner:

If you were Dulce Rosa, how would you plan for the vengeance?


Here is a poem depicting Tadeo Cespedes.Please translate it into Chinese.

Tadeo Cespedes

From the Fountain of Youth

And River of Blood

One may be impressed

Of all the gold in his sack

That hangs under his belt.

Being sympathetic is not a choice.

It is simply automatic.

Those covered in blood

Cannot wash, only cover.

But I am glad.

Even the lust for violence

Finds peace in Maiden’s light

And her love that shines bright

Although requires penance.


Read the poem above, imitate it and write a poem.

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